It has been a busy Summer here on "The Hill". From workshops to cookouts and all manner of weather, it has been fun. The picture above (from outside my studio toward the rest of ceramics) is one of the many storms we had this week. Unfortunately, Summer is almost over with the start of school just over a week away. The students move back in on the 27th bringing with them the excitement of a new school year. The studio will start to fill with eager students and the craziness will begin. As much as I love the quiet of the studio in the Summer, I am looking forward to having energetic students around.
It will be a busy Fall semester for me. In addition to my resident duties, I will be teaching three-dimensional design for the university and evening workshops for the community. These are usually great fun as the students are most enthusiastic. It being the Fall semester, we, the clay department in conjunction with Habitat for Humanity in Cookeville will host Bowl-a-thon. No, not that kind of bowling. We will make bowls one Saturday in September which will then be finished for the main event, Cookin' on the Square, in October. All money raised goes to Habitat for Humanity.
I'm looking forward to it, although I will relish these last few days of quiet.